Concept Art by Tyler Edlin

Tyler Edlin is a concept artist and illustrator residing in New England, US. His art include areas such as game illustrations, book covers, games characters and environment design.

Birth date: Feb 2 1984
Location: Central Massachusetts USA.
Fields: Concept Art, Character Design, Graphic Design, Story Illustration.
Achievements: Personal Work, Undisclosed Project, Working as a Freelance artist ever since creating a variety of stunning visual content for the game and entertainment industry.
Web reference: DeviantArt, Personal Site.

Magic Art World shows here some selection of his illustration art. If you liked this post, feel free to comment or to appreciate with a “Like” or “Share”.

desert_sketch2_copy_by_gamefan84-d5l2bwhDesert sketch2 copy by gamefan84

eies_outside_campers_by_tyleredlinart-d6s8xyuEies outside campers by Tyleredlinart

escadia_streets_revisited_by_tyleredlinart-d46nrf9Escadia streets revisited by Tyleredlinart

escadian_dragoon_by_gamefan84-d47l9duEscadian dragoon by gamefan84

fatecraft_port_town_by_tyleredlinart-d6kzrmgFatecraft port town by Tyleredlinart

fatecraft_rural_town_tile_by_tyleredlinart-d6tzirgFatecraft rural town tile by Tyleredlinart

frog_by_tyleredlinart-d6qkg8zFrog  by Tyleredlinart

galbourne_ridge_concept_by_tyleredlinart-d6vu2gqGalbourne ridge concept by Tyleredlinart

guildhall__fatecraft__by_tyleredlinart-d75bs1yGuildhall fatecraft by Tyleredlinart

halo_4_by_gamefan84-d5k5w0uHalo 4 by gamefan84

kodran_migrant_fleet_by_tyleredlinart-d7ax4biKodran migrant fleet by Tyleredlinart

lost_valley_by_tyleredlinart-d748fmeLost valley by Tyleredlinart

lucca_and_robo_by_tyleredlinart-d6repqhLucca and Robo by Tyleredlinart

steampunk_concept_by_tyleredlinart-d7czbvrSteampunk concept by Tyleredlinart

studio_virty_s_commission_by_gamefan84-d6bs4zrStudio virty’s commission by gamefan84

throne_concept_by_tyleredlinart-d79na9hThrone concept by Tyleredlinart

town_concept__days_of_dawn_by_gamefan84-d5q51d8Town concept days of dawn by gamefan84

windom_academy_by_tyleredlinart-d6t4vqiWindom academy by Tyleredlinart

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