Science Fiction in the Universe by Jeff Michelmann

Jeff Michelmann (aka gucken) was born in 1988 in Germany. Currently lives in Munich, capital of Bavaria and the third largest city in Germany after Berlin and Hamburg. Jeff is a talented artist who specializes in digital art and photography. He is self-taught in the use of Photoshop and other digital art programs. His favorite program is Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Terragen 081. Favorite subject of the artist is Science Fiction about the universe. This kind of art is called Space-Art.

To become known as an artist, he and his friend Tobias Roetschi (taenaron), founded in 2006 their website GTGRAPHICS.DE presentation.

I am glad to introduce you still most popular works in his gallery which reached number 500,000 views site. Jeff’s works are intended for desktop wallpapers in several packages sizes. You will see a talented artist who can create a wonderful Sci-fi art of the cosmos.

Visiting my gallery below is certainly needed.


 Blown to bits Blown to bits – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1131×707

 Crepusculum Crepusculum – Wallpaper by gucken, size 1280×960

Calamity by guckenCalamity –  by gucken, size 1680×1050

Dying SystemDying System –  Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann , size 1680×1050

First SunshineFirst Sunshine – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1680×1050

IrruptionIrruption – Wallpaper by gucken, size 1680×1050

Hyper TerraHyper Terra – Wallpaper by gucken, size 1280×960

Mount Richmoore Mount Richmoore – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1600×1200

PolarisPolaris – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1600×1200

ReachReach-Wallpaper by gucken, size 1600×1200

Sightseeing TourSightseeing Tour – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1600×1200

UntouchedUntouched – Wallpaper by gucken, size 1600×1200

The heat of loveThe heat of love -Wallpaper by gucken, size 1920×1200

 Wasteland Wasteland – Wallpaper by Jeff Michelmann, size 1600×1200

IdolIdol – Wallpaper by gucken, size 1920×1200

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